How should the United States engage with the world? What mix of military strength, diplomacy, and other means best serves our interests? How successful has our foreign policy been? These are critical questions for any state to answer, but none more so than the United States, whose actions affect every corner of the world. Scholars and policy-makers have long engaged with these issues as the country has debated the merits of neoconservatism, liberal internationalism, and numerous other strategic concepts. But now, more than at any time since the end of the Cold War, America’s role in the world is up for debate.


Americans of all political affiliations alike are re-evaluating their approaches to U.S. international engagement. Donald Trump’s America First agenda contends with traditional muscular internationalism and growing calls for greater restraint on the right, while the Democratic candidates for President are debating American foreign policy in ways unprecedented in the 21st Century. Coming to a clear understanding of America’s interests and how best to achieve them is becoming increasingly vital.

Please join speakers Eugene Gholz (University of Notre Dame), Jennifer Lind (Dartmouth College), Constanze Stelzenmüller (Brookings Institution), Jake Sullivan (Dartmouth College), Stephen Wertheim (Columbia University), for a spirited conversation on this vital topic moderated by Daryl Press (Dartmouth College.) 

6:30 PM - Doors Open / Registration
7:00 PM - Welcome Remarks & Debate
8:30 PM - Reception 

Filene Auditorium, Moore Hall
Dartmouth College
3 Maynard St.
Hanover, NH 03755


Parking is available in the Maynard Parking Lot, across from Moore Hall